Ivan Raphael

certified trauma therapist, family therapist and coach

Therapy with the body as an anchor


I offer trauma therapy and counselling, where the body is included in the therapy to create a greater sense of whole.

The work with the body, somatic therapy, is therapeutical conversations together with easy performed physical exercises carried out with awareness. This approach helps the body to integrate changes and create a more stable development.

During the sessions we work towards a greater sense of body awareness and strengthening of the ability to observe while practicing to stay present. This way of engaging makes it possible to recognise and meet our thoughts and feelings with greater calmness and acknowledgement.

This gentle approach has an affect on the way we are in the world and it contributes to the skills we have at our disposal. 

In my experience Somatic Therapy can be particularly supportive in working with stress states, shock and developmental trauma, blockages in life crises and pain management.

As a member of the Association of Bodynamic Psychology, I follow the ethical guidelines: https://bodynamic.org/about/ethics/

“Our neurosis and our wisdom are made out of the same material. If you throw out your neurosis you also throw out your wisdom”
Pema Chödrön

Trauma and stress

Trauma and stress in our lives means that a part of ourselves seems to be missing. Trauma therapy is a way to reconnect with lost resources and skills.


At certain times in our lives, we can feel alone with more than we can handle. Life coaching is a supportive conversation towards greater clarity.

somatic therapy

Somatic therapy is body dynamic exercises that support the body to connect and release blockages either as part of the therapy or as a separate practice.