Somatic therapy

the body as a safe anchoring in therapy

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be touched – they must be felt with the heart”
Helen Keller

bodily integration

In somatic therapy, I focus on the state of your body and the reactions of your muscles and how they affect your emotional life and choices. I support you in developing multiple skills so you can experience a better balance in your physical, emotional and mental life.

There is a specific reason why those particular emotions and bodily sensations are in your body. Therefore, it is crucial to learn how to listen to your sensations and take responsibility for them.

By listening to your body and its impulses, rather than repressing them, you are more likely to relieve the sensation and gain more freedom of action, rather than getting stuck in the discomfort of your body sensation.

Life skills

Throughout life we develop certain skills about how we stand within ourselves and face the world around us. These skills form the quality of our relationship within ourselves and how we face the world around us.

If they are sufficiently developed, we have a stable sense of self, a natural sense of dignity and coherence, in which we can confidently enter into close relationships. In short, we feel balanced, integrated and resourceful.

None of us has a ready-made set of skills. Several are often either underdeveloped or unavailable. But we can develop them through exercises and close attention to our bodily sensations, and that is what somatic therapy is all about.

The body and trauma

In trauma therapy, there is a particular focus on working on selected skills such as: Grounding, centring, bounding, energy management and positioning.

The above mentioned skills are some of the first to be affected by traumatising incidents, therefore it is obvious to start with a gradual and increased handling of them.

Learning these skills is a prerequisite for being able to work with your trauma without being overwhelmed, or at worst re-traumatised by your own emotions and memories.